
What Is A Dog's Favorite Color

  1. Your Dog's Favorite Color

    Hi all! Does your furkid have a favorite color? Nikki does! Its purple! She has a purple collar, harness, leash, choke chain, foldable bowl, bed, and a lot of her toys are purple! My fav color is pink so we go good together! Pink and Purple! Share your dogs fav color here!

  2. Simbas fav color is Blue. Mine is blue too. He has a blue colar and leash (thats has his name on it) baby blue food bowl (my fav shade of blue) And almost every toy I pick out for him is blue!!! He also likes green his cage that he used to have (he doesnt need it anymore because he has learned how to be a good boy while left alone) and it had a green pillow and lil matress in it.

  3. Carl doesn't really have a *favorite* color, but he looks best in red.

  4. No favorite color for Daisy, but I like bright pink on her, she has that in a collar, harness, and leash.
    No favorite color for Perry either, but he looks good in blue.

  5. Ummmmmm, aren't dogs colorblind??
    Well anyway, Poco looks best inbright colors
    like purple and teal.

  6. All my dogs have black leather collars with studs on them(not spikes)

    All my dogs HATE people with red hair and I don't know why. I think it has to do with the red head kid across the street. I've seen him tease the dogs before.

  7. I always take Hannah to our favorite pet supply store (we do not buy from or support pet stores that sell puppies) called Barry's pet foods and supplies maybe some of you know it. I let her pick out the color of things I buy, she picks out red . I like red but I always have another color in the other hand and I hold them up and ask her wich one and she always chooses the red by hitting it with her paw. She has a red sweater, leash, colar, harness, dishes, and toys. But the new colar and leash she picked out are blue?

  8. Star, my yellow lab, loves and looks great in bright red. Cody, my husky/shep has the brightest ice blue eyes! She always goes for the turquoise color! I think dogs can distinquish blue and yellow. Since then I've noticed that many "retrievable" toys, like doggie frisbees, balls, etc are blue or yellow. As well as all of the agility equiptment used at our training school!

  9. My two being white and tan look best in muted colors which are hard to find in leashes and collars. We did find a tan collar for Tucker and I must say he looks marvelous in it. Currently Hannah is wearing a darker mulberry color.

  10. I take Nikki to Pet Supplies Plus and let her pick out all of her dishes, toys, collars, etc. I just let her pick out her collar color and I get leashes and harnesses, etc. to match it. Everybody knows her in the store and shes always glad to go there!

    The red head story brought this to mind. Nikki is VERY afraid of all men exept my father and brother. We think it may be because a man might have abused her before we rescued her. Poor baby! She gets used to them after a while, though.

  11. Graham's normal collar is a nice braided leather with brass settings on it. He looks so good in a nice leather and brass collar. His agility collar (no tags allowed) is red fabric. He also looks good in red.

    When I got Cassie her last owners had a mauve collar on her, and that was pretty but it was dirty and when I washed it, alot of the colors were running out so took her to Pet Supplies Plus (I also don't shop at pet stores who carry puppies like ilovehounds). Of all the collars I tried on Cassie, there was a leather one with brass settings that looked the best on her so I bought her the leather one. I find that leather looks attractive on both my furkids.

    As for their favorite color in toys, I don't think they have any, but Cassies favorite toy is a stuffed husky, and Graham likes any stuffed animals, whether they have a squeak inside or not.

  12. Red likes the color red. He walks around with his red sock in his mouth all the time. He also has a red ball he like to play with. He has three toy boxes full of toys but he always plays with the red ones.

  13. Merlin is kinda funny about his colors mostly browns (the couch) but accents of any color as long as it has chili pepper designs. I guess taking him to work at the salsa store as a pup was a bad idea.Bright yellows and reds set off his Liver coat.

  14. Cody seems to go for his blue squeakies, prefers yellow tennis balls to any other and how funny!! goes for red!!! But not always in a good way. I had a red jacket he decided to grab off me and tear (never did that before)..also did not like a red tshirt I had but liked his red plaid pillow. We try to test him and blue wins out. How do they know for sure what colors they see???? I heard, black and white only, then I read that it's reds and blues.. how would anyone know for sure???? Hmmm..curiosity!

What Is A Dog's Favorite Color


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